My New Year’s Resolution: Self-Care

How many of us moms (or moms to be) started the new year with a list of goals, tasks to accomplish, and resolutions to reach? Probably most of us, myself included.

As we wrap up the first month of the new year, it’s important to remember a goal that often takes a backseat especially due to the demands of motherhood - the commitment to self-care. Focusing on our health and wellbeing while exploring truly meaningful ways to nurture ourselves should be prioritized. A few ways to accomplish this are:

Set Realistic Goals: These self-care goals don’t have to be unrealistic or ambitious, they can be simple changes made to our daily habits that make us feel happy from the inside out. Whether it’s dedicating 10 to 15 minutes each day to get outside for a short walk, practicing a few minutes of mindfulness daily, or scheduling monthly facials/massages, structure your goals to fit your lifestyle.

Prioritize Your Mental Health: Aside from the physical demands, motherhood can be mentally overwhelming. Incorporating activities like journaling, meditation, or seeking professional support can make a huge difference in how we feel. Remember, a healthy mind is the foundation for a healthy family.

Build Your Tribe: Motherhood is no walk in the park. Creating a strong support system by nurturing relationships with other moms serves as a great reminder that you’re not in this alone. Within these groups, you can share the joys, challenges, and tips that have worked for you. Whether it’s a virtual community or in-person gatherings, there’s a whole world of mother’s out there who seek are seeking some level of support.

Get Physical: Speaking from experience, choosing to engage in more physical activity in 2023 has led to 180° change in how I feel, my confidence, my focus, and everything in between. Incremental changes like drinking less alcohol, exercising (walking, gym, etc.) most days of the week, and eating more fruits and veggies, led to a drastic improvement in my overall health last year. These simple yet effective habits can lead to significant physical (and mental) improvements in the new year.

Regular Digital Detox: Whether your poison of choice is TikTok, Instagram, or X (formally known as Twitter), unplugging from constant connectivity and allowing for moments of tech-free bliss is a great way to recharge. Alternatives to digital stimulants include reading a good book (I’m currently reading the Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese and I highly recommend it!), engaging in a hobby, or just enjoying a quiet moment of reflection.

So as we wrap up the first month of 2024, let’s remember to give ourselves some grace and prioritize practicing self-care. Cheers to a year of good health, wellbeing, and the inner joy that comes from nurturing ourselves.


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